Throwing out the first pitch at an MLB game is an honor. But sometimes, it doesn't exactly go as planned. Check out our top five worst first pitches ever thrown:
5. Mariah Carey - 2008
The most impressive thing about this pitch was Mariah's ability to keep her ankles intact in those shoes.
4. Michael Jordan - 1998
Before there was the Last Dance, there was the First Pitch. Judging by his reaction immediately following the pitch, he doesn't need us to tell him how bad it was, he already knows.
3. Carly Rae Jepsen - 2013
The Tampa Bay Rays will definitely not Call Her, Maybe.
2. Miss Texas, 2014
I have so many questions about this one. The first, and most important, is what in the world is going on here? What is that leg kick? What did she think would happen? I'm just going to leave this here at number 3 because unfortunately, there is worse to come.
1. 50 Cent - 2014
50 Cent once rapped, "If I can't do it, homie it can't be done". Survey says that is a lie.
Do you agree with our ranking? Was your favorite missing? Let us know in the comments.